Trick Protect From Hacking
Do Not Disclose Your IP Address This the biggest mistake you could ever do.Never Disclose your IP address to anybody because ip address is the address of your computer.Once the hacker knows the address of your computer it will be easy for him Enter into your home(computer) and steal your accessories ( data and passwords). Do Not Download any Suspcious Software or Attachments A lot of people search for cracks and keygens online.Remember this is most exploited method used by the hackers to hack into the pc(personal computer).They usually attach a keylogger or virus with the crack or the keygen.Once you download and install it then your data will be automatically sent to the hacker without your permission.And this might lead to a disaster if you are a online business man because your sensitive information such as paypal account information,e-mail account information can be sent to the hackers. Use Good Antivirus And Firewall Program Do not depend upon windows firewall to protect yourself ...